关于我们(About Us)


Ruo-Ya Arts devotes itself to providing professional customized services for soft decoration art projects such as hotels, villas, private houses, sales centers, large shopping malls, etc. We can provide ceramic, glass, cast copper, Marble, granite, gypsum, fiberglass and other materials sculpture work. At the same time, we have a team of painters who have many years of painting experience. We can provide high-quality oil painting, traditional Chinese painting, calligraphy, lacquer painting and other types of painting art.

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关于包装(About Packaging)

产品护边包装塑料袋汽泡袋包装 产品护边包装塑料袋汽泡袋包装 产品纸箱包装再装木箱 产品纸箱包装再装木箱 产品装车出货 产品装车出货 铁丝线缠绕不锈钢花艺术品包装 木箱安全包装运输